About me

Hi! My name is Finka, my pronouns are she/her. I am a multilingual computational linguist and a conversation designer living in Warsaw, Poland. You can find more about my education here, about my work experience here, and about the languages I know and learn here.

I am a language nerd and linguistics enthusiast with a love for languages and things around it, including NLP (Natural Language Processing, not the Neurosomething Pseudoscience scam!), AI, voicebots & chatbots, as well as social implications thereof, and data ethics.

My Clifton Strengths by Gallup

While I enjoy personality tests and do them for fun, most of them are exactly this – fun; they should not be viewed as more than that, and shouldn’t be used in any work related context. That being said, it seems the Gallup Institute CliftonStrengths® Assessment Analysis serves quite a reliable alternative, and a useful resource to assess individual talents. You can read more about the test here. And this is my result:

1. Maximizer
2. Adaptability
3. Positivity
4. Communication
5. Empathy

Because you have high Maximizer, you focus on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence. You seek to transform something strong into something superb.
You focus on quality, and prefer working with and for the best. By seeing what each person naturally does best and empowering them to do it, you make individuals, teams and groups better.

View my Signature Theme Report here.

My other interests

I have been an outspoken activist for most of my lifetime, and my extracurricular activities are essential to me. I have been a sex educator for over 15 years now, being a member of the Ponton Group of Sex Educators. Even though I have not become a full-time educator, I keep being passionate about delivering comprehensive and sex-positive knowledge to children and youth. This includes going to schools, giving lectures, talks, attending conferences, media appearances, writing articles, organising protests. Poland is very conservative, and I cannot stand by and do nothing when young people are denied basic human rights and reproductive healthcare. I am a feminist and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community; I consider myself an avid advocate for women’s rights, I also try to educate myself constantly on gender, race, and minority matters – to be as inclusive as possible, making the products I create inclusive as well.

I also have to mention I am a huge Star Trek fan! I have not been keeping up with the fandom lately, but I still am the chair person of the biggest Polish Star Trek fan group, TrekSfera. I love the series, and I love meeting fellow Trekkies during conventions where, yes, I do occasionally cosplay, and love to take part in trivia games, as well as listen to and give little talks.

In my spare time (I don’t have too much of it…) I enjoy travelling and sightseeing, reading (mostly non-fiction, here’s my Goodreads), hanging out with friends and with my cat, and, of course, learning languages.